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AFRIKISOL, Industrial SME in Tunisia, abb and GE qualified.

Fournisseur de : Tuyauterie industrielle | brides pour tuyauteries industrielles | tuyauterie industrielle tunisie | montage installations industrielles. Fabrication et montage industriel en Tunisie, de tuyauterie en matériaux composites à base de résines et fibres de verre, chaudronnerie, cuves en acier. Etudes et realisations d'installations industrielles ; Installations hydrauliques ; Tôles ; Charpentes en metal; Tuyauterie industrielle ; Soudure - travaux… Afrikisol vous accompagne dans la conception, l'étude, la confection et le montage de vos projets en chaudronnerie, tuyauterie, mécanique


Realization of turnkey projects in supplies assembly and insulation of pipes, industrial equipment and scaffolding



Thanks to the trust of our partners, customers and suppliers, in Tunisia and abroad, we have positioned ourselves in the national and international network of the activity of thermal insulation and insulation.



Important AFRIKISOL INDUSTRIE complies with the CINI manual  , which is a standard for thermal insulation



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Via our Form. We will respond as soon as possible.

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The quality of our services is the foundation of our long-term customer relationships